Monday, June 3, 2013


Blue, a word to describe my favourite colour. On the optical spectrum, blue is found to be located in the middle of violet and green. As one of the colours in the rainbow, blue stands in the middle of green and indigo.

Blue pigments were first made of minerals mainly lapis lazuli, cobalt and azurite.

 Cobalt Powder


Lapis Lazuli

Blue dyes were used to made from plants; woad. However, blue pigments and dyes in today's modern world are made by a chemical process. 

Perfect Blue

Europe chemists tried to find a solution to create synthetic blue pigments during the 17th and 18th century in order to avoid the over high expenses in importing and grinding lapis lazuli, azurite and other types of minerals. On the other side, Egyptians and Chinese have created synthetic colour before Europe, however the Egyptians lost the formula while the Chinese formula was not known in the west as they are in the east.
Later in 1901, a synthetic blue dye; Indanthrone blue was invented and it had greater resistance towards fading of washing or over sun exposure. This type of blue is being used in almost all the blue clothing in today's world.
Indanthrone Blue

  • Blue is associated in Christianity and in particular Catholicism with the Virgin Mary
  • Virgin Mary
  • There are many gods in Hinduism having blue-coloured skin; Krishna & Vishnu
Lord Vishnu
Lord Krishna
Why Blue?

I find calmness in blue. The life in city is filled with stress and pollutions in general. The moment I face the peaceful, calm and wide ocean, I feel very comfortable. Moreover, the blueness in a cloudy day of the sky is cooling and fun.


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